Pumpkin Recipes for Soup, Pie, Cookies, Cake, Vegan Recipes (2024)

We have pumpkin recipesof every description here for you. Pumpkin is an overlooked vegetablethat is high in fiber, is an excellent diet food as it has 0 caloriesand therefore you can eat as much of it as you like. Thepumpkin seeds are also excellent as a nutrional snack, but also as avermicide for when the kids and pets get worms!

If you have your own vegetable gardens you will soon have a glut ofpumpkins and you will be wondering what to do with them. Well you willbe surprised just how many recipes for pumpkins there are. So here youwill find homemade pumpkin pie recipes, pumpkin bread recipes, pumpkinsoup recipes .... I am sure that you get the picture by now!

If you have some special recipes for pumpkin of your own, please sendthem to us using the form below.

Pumpkin Pie Recipes

Impossible Pumpkin Pie

This recipe is called impossible pie because you throw all theingredients in and it makes its own pie crust. I don't know about you,but I love these types of recipes!

1 can pure pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling), 15 oz
1 can evaporated milk, 12 oz
1 tablespoon butter, softened
2 eggs
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup biscuit baking mix
2-1/2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice
2 teaspoons vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 350°F. Grease a 9-inch deep-dish pie plate with butter.

Blend all ingredients together in a blender on high speed for 1 minute,or place all ingredients in a large bowl and beat for 2 minutes with ahand beater. Pour mixture into greased pie plate.

Bake for 1 hour, or until cooked. Test with a skewer. If it comes outclean it is done.

Allow to cool, and then chill in the fridge for at least 2 hours beforeserving. Decorate with cream.

Pumpkin Recipes for Butterscotch Pumpkin Pie

I like this pumpkin recipe, not only because it is easy to make becauseyou don't have to bake the filling, but also because of the twist inusing butterscotch, which I am rather fond of.

First you will need to make the short crust pie shell:1 cup (4 oz) flour
3 tablespoons (1 1/2 oz) shortening
1/2 teaspoon Royal Baking Powder
Pinch salt
Cold water

Sift dry ingredients into bowl. Rub in shortening. Blend into firmdough with cold water. Roll dough about 1/4 inch thick. Linean 8 inch greased pie plate or sandwich cake tin, taking care not tostretch the pastry. Trim off the edges. These pieces can beused to make a double edge to pie shell. Pinch egde with thumb andforefinger, or mark with fork to give a fancy edge. Prick pastry wellall over with a fork. Brush lightly with beaten egg or milk. Bake at450 degrees F. for about 15 minutes.

You can also use biscuit crumbs instead of making a short crust dough.

Biscuit Crust:

2cups finely crushed gingernut biscuits
1/2 cup melted butter

Mix together and press into a pie plate. Place in fridge to firm up.

Pumpkin Recipes for Pumpkin Pie FillingPumpkin Recipes for Soup, Pie, Cookies, Cake, Vegan Recipes (1)

1 packet Butterscotch Pudding
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1/8 teaspoon ginger
1 cup cold, cooked pumpkin, mashed
1 3/4 cups milk
2 egg yolks, slightly beaten

Combine pudding, sugar, salt, spices, pumpkin and milk. Stirringconstantly, bring to boil over medium heat. Boil for 1 minute. Stir inegg yolks. Return to medium heat, cook for 3 minutes, stirringconstantly. Pour into pastry shell. Chill till firm.

Pumpkin Recipes for Pumpkin Pie with Ginger

2 cups stewed and strained pumpkinPumpkin Recipes for Soup, Pie, Cookies, Cake, Vegan Recipes (2)
2 cups rich milk
3/4 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 teasoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ginger
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon allspice
Cream for decoration

Line a pie dish with short pastry as above. Make some fall leaves fordecoration from the left-over dough.

Mix pumpkin, milk, sugar, spices and salt together.

Add beaten eggs and beat together for 2 minutes.

Pour into pie shell and place in a hot oven at 450 degrees F. for 15minutes. Reduce heat to a moderate oven at 375 degrees F. for 30 - 40minutes. Serve with a dollop of thick cream.

Pumpkin Recipes for Pumpkin Piewith Ginger andCloves

1/2 teaspoon saltPumpkin Recipes for Soup, Pie, Cookies, Cake, Vegan Recipes (3)
2/3 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon each cinnamon and nutmeg
1 cup milk
1 1/2 cup mashed cooked pumpkin
2 eggs
ginger and cloves

Mix dry ingredients, add to beaten eggs. Add milk and pumpkin. Pourinto short crust pie casing.

Bake in a hot oven (450 degrees F. ) for 10 minutes. Reduce heat andbake for 35 minutes longer or until knife inserted in center comes outclean.

Pumpkin Recipes for Luxury Pumpkin Pie with Spices and Cream

1 lb. pumpkin, cookedPumpkin Recipes for Soup, Pie, Cookies, Cake, Vegan Recipes (4)
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
2 eggs, beaten
pinch of salt
1 tablespoon caster sugar
4 oz (115 g) soft brown sugar
1/4 teaspoon allspice
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
1/2 cup double cream

Mix pumpkin, sugar, salt, spices, eggs and cream and pour into pastrycase.

Bake 15 minutes at 200 degrees F., then reduce heat to 180 degrees F.and cook for a further 30 minutes or until filling is set and pastry isgolden. Serve warm with whipped cream.

Pumpkin Recipes for Pumpkin Chiffon Pie

Biscuit Crust:

2cups finely crushed gingernut biscuits
1/2 cup melted butter

Mix together and press into a pie plate. Place in fridge to firm up.

Pumpkin Recipes for Soup, Pie, Cookies, Cake, Vegan Recipes (5)3 teaspoons gelatine
4 tablespoons water
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
small pinch of ground cloves
1/3 cup brown sugar
1 tablespoon golden syrup
2 egg yolks, beaten
125 ml thick cream
2 egg whites, whisked
walnuts to decorate
extra cream to decorate

Soften the gelatine in the cold water. Set aside.

Boil in a little salted water enough cubed pumpkin to give you 2 cupsof puree, once cooked and mashed. Use a firm variety with a deep orangecolor for the best results. The puree must be thick, well drained andshould be put through a blender.

Spoon the puree in the top of a double boiler and add cinnamon, nutmeg,pinch of cloves, sugar, syrup, and beaten egg yolks.

Stir over a simmering heat till slightly thick. Remove, pour into bowland add the soaked gelatine. Stir till completely dissolved, then leaveto cool.

Fold in thick cream, lightly whipped with the 2 whisked whites.

Pour everything into crust, sprinkle with cinnamon and serve with extracream and walnuts.

Pumpkin Recipes for Pumpkin Meringue PiePumpkin Recipes for Soup, Pie, Cookies, Cake, Vegan Recipes (6)

2/3 cup sugar
2 tablespoons maize flour
1 teaspoon each cinnamon and nutmeg
1 cup mashed cooked pumpkin
2 cups milk
2 eggs

Mix dry ingredients, and egg yolk, pumpkin and milk.

Cook until thickened, stirring constantly. Pour into baked pastryshell.

Top with meringue made of egg white and 2 tablespoons sugar. Brownslightly.

Pumpkin Recipes forPumpkin Preserve

Remove the fleshy part of the pumpkin and cut into squares. Prick welland weigh. Leave overnight in a lime solution (1 tablespoon to 6 pintswater). Drain and rinse well. Leave in clear water for 2hours.

Drain again; drop the pieces one by one into boiling water, and cookrapidly for 10 minutes. It is important to add the pieces gradually,otherwise the water will stop boiling and the pieces will become soft.

Make a syrup of 1 lb. of sugar to every 1 lb. of fruit, using 1 quart(4 cups) of water for every 1 lb. sugar. Bring to the boil and strain.Bring to the boil again, and add the pieces gradually.

Add the juice of 1/2 lemon and 3 extra slices of lemon, 1-2 ounces ofbruised ginger tied in a muslin bag, and a pinch of salt.

Cook rapidly until the pieces are clear and transparent. It isadvisable to pack into clean jars when cool and to sterilize at 180degrees F. for 20 minutes, or 15 minutes at boiling point.

Unless the flesh is firm and will retain its shape, it should not beused for perserve.

Pumpkin Bread Recipes

Pumpkin Recipes for Spicy Pumpkin Bread

This is an American recipe that makes 4 delicious loaves.

Pumpkin Recipes for Soup, Pie, Cookies, Cake, Vegan Recipes (7)5 cups flour
3 teaspoons baking soda
2 1/4 teaspoon salt
4 1/2 cups sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons each cinnamon and nutmeg
1 teaspoon each of ground cloves, ginger and allspice
1 1/2 cups oil
6 eggs
1 cup water
3 cups cold, mashed pumpkin

Sift dry ingredients into a very large bowl and make a well in thecenter. Add all remaining ingredients. Mix together until smooth. Pourinto greased and floured loaf tins. Bake at 350 degrees F. (180 degreesC.) for 1 hour (depends on size of tins). Cool slightly in tins then onwire racks. Slice and serve buttered.

Pumpkin Recipes for Pumpkin and Date Loaf

You will need to cook just under half a pound (200g) pumpkin for thisrecipe.

The loaf is best made on the same day as serving. However, you canfreeze this loaf for up to 2 months.
Pumpkin Recipes for Soup, Pie, Cookies, Cake, Vegan Recipes (8)
1 1/4 cup self-raising flour
1 1/4 cup wholemeal self-raising flour
1/2 teaspoon mixed spice
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
(2 oz) 50 g butter
2/3 cup cold mashed pumpkin
1/2 cup chopped dates
1/2 cup honey
1/3 cup milk
1 egg, lightly beaten
2 tablespoons oil

Grease a 5 1/2 inch x 8 inch ( 14cm x 21 cm)loaf pan. Linewith greaseproof paper. Sift flours together and spices into a largebowl. Rub in butter. Stir in pumpkin, honey, dates, milk,egg, and oil.

Spread mixture into prepared pan. Bake in a moderately slow oven325-350 degrees F. (160-180 degrees C.) for about 45 minutes or untilfirm. Stand for 5 minutes before turning out onto wire rack.

Pumpkin Cake Recipes

Pumpkin Recipes for Pumpkin Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting

1/2 cup butter Pumpkin Recipes for Soup, Pie, Cookies, Cake, Vegan Recipes (9)
1 1/2 cups brown sugar
2 eggs
2 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon and nutmeg mixed
1 large cup cooked, mashed pumpkin


3 oz (90g) ceam cheese
3 oz (90g) unsalted butter
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1 cup icing sugar

Cream butter and sugar, and add eggs. Sift dry ingredients and add tocreamed mixture along with the pumpkin. Bake in a moderate oven (350degrees F. (180 degrees C. ) for 45 minutes or until cooked.

To make icing, beat cream cheese, butter and vanilla essence untillight and fluffy, then beat in icing sugar until smooth. Spread on cakewhen cool.

Pumpkin Recipes for Pumpkin Fruit Cake

4 oz (115g) butter
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 cup hot, mashed pumpkin
2 tablespoon golden syrup
3/4 lb. (350g) mixed dried fruit
2 cups self-raising flour
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg

Cinnamon Icing:

2 oz (60g) butter
1 cup icing sugar
1 tablespoon milk
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
shredded coconut to decorate

Cream butter and sugar, add eggs and hot pumpkin. Then add golden syrupand fruit, lastly flour and nutmeg. Stir well. Bake in lined andgreased 8 inch (20 cm) cake tin for 1 3/4 hours at 300 degree F. (150degree C.) For icing, beat butter with electric beater until fluffy,then beat in sugar, milk and cinnamon. Beat well until smooth. Spreadover cake and decorate with shredded coconut.

Pumpkin Muffin Recipes

Pumpkin Recipes for Pumpkin and Chocolate Muffins

1 cup sliced almondsPumpkin Recipes for Soup, Pie, Cookies, Cake, Vegan Recipes (10)
1 3/4 cups flour
1 teaspoon allspice
1 teaspoon garam masala
1/4 teapoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
5 oz (150g) butter, melted
1 cup cooked mashed pumpkin
1 cup chocolate chips

Toast almonds. Sift dry ingredients. Add sugar.

In a separate bowl beat the eggs. Add the melted butter and pumpkin.

Beat to combine then stir in the almonds and chocolate chips. Quicklyfold in dry ingredients. Bake at 350 degrees F. (180 degrees C.)

Pumpkin Scone Recipes

2 oz (50g) butter
1/2 cup sugar
1 egg, beaten
2 cups self-raising flour
1 cup cooked, mashed pumpkin
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup milk

Sift dry ingredients, and add sugar. Rub in butter. Add cooked, mashedpumpkin and beaten egg. Pour in milk and mix well. Cut into shapes on afloured board and place on cold, greased oven tray. Bakeat430 -450 degrees F. (200-230 degrees C.) for 10 minutes.

Pumpkin Recipes for Pumpkin Scone(2)

2 1/2 cups flourPumpkin Recipes for Soup, Pie, Cookies, Cake, Vegan Recipes (11)
6 level teaspoons baking powder
1 cup dry mashed pumpkin
1 egg
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 - 1/2 cup milk
1 oz butter
2 oz brown sugar

Cream butter and sugar together. Add egg and beat well. Add pumpkin andbeat until well mixed.

Sift flour, baking powder and salt.

Add to egg mixture alternately with milk, using only enough milk tomake a soft dough.

Turn onto a floured board and knead slightly. Cut out with roundcutter, place on greased tin. Glaze with milk and bake in hotoven475 degrees F. (240 degrees C.) for 12 minutes untilscones are light brown and sound hollow when tapped.

Pumpkin Recipes for Pumpkin Prune Scones

2 oz (50 g butter)
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 egg
1 cup cold, mashed pumpkin
1/2 cup chopped, pitted prunes
1 1 /2 cups self-raising flour
1 cup wholemeal self-raising flour
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

Grease an 8 inch (20 cm) sandwich pan. Beat butter and sugar in smallbowl until light and fluffy. Add egg and beat until combined.

Stir in pumpkin, prunes and sifted flours and cinnamon. Mix to a softdough. Knead gently on a floured board until smooth.

Press dough out evenly until dough has a depth of about 1/2 inch (2.25cm) Cut into rounds, glaze with milk and bake in a moderately hot oven425 degrees F (210 degrees C.) for about 25 minutes until scones arelight brown and sound hollow when tapped.

Pumpkin Recipes forDessert

Pumpkin Recipes for Pumpkin Fritters

2 cups mashed cooked pumpkin, (dry as possible)
4 tablespoons flour or enough to thicken pumpkin
1 teaspoon baking powder
2 eggs
pinch salt

Mixthe pumpkin, flour, baking powder and salt. Add the well-beaten eggs.The mixture must be rather soft. Fry in oil, butter or lard in a fryingpan. Sprinkle thickly with sugar mixed with a little ground cinnamon,and serve with cut lemon, as a dessert.

Pumpkin Recipes for Pumpkin Pudding

2 lb. cooked, mashed pumpkin
1 dessertspoon flour
2 tablespoons sugar
4 tablespoons golden syrup
2 eggs, beaten
1 dessertspoon lemon juice
A little grated lemon rind
pinch of salt

Putmashed pumpkin in basin. Addother ingredients in order givenabove.Mix well after adding each ingredient. Grease large oven dish and pourin mixture. Put a sprinkling of nutmeg and about 1 dessertspoon ofbutter in small dabs on top. Bake in moderate oven for 1 1/2 -2 hoursuntil very well browned. Serve warm with golden syrup.

Vegetarian PumpkinRecipes

Pumpkin Recipes for Casserole (serves 4-6)

1 3/4 lb. (800g) pumpkinPumpkin Recipes for Soup, Pie, Cookies, Cake, Vegan Recipes (12)
1 onion, chopped
1 rasher bacon, chopped
2 teaspoon butter
1 packet onion soup mix
3/4 cup mature cheddar cheese


3/4 cup crushed potato chips
6 tablespoons additional grated cheese

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. (180 degrees C.). Peel and boil pumpkin,and place in a bowl. Saute onion and bacon in butter until golden, andadd to the pumpkin along with the soup and cheese. Mash together, thenpile into a buttered casserole dish. Top with potato chips and cheese.Bake for 20 - 30 minutes or until hot.

Pumpkin Recipes for Pumpkin and Lentil Curry

This is an ideal vegan pumpkin recipe andthe lentils are a good subsitute for meat.

1 1/2 - 2 lb. (700g) pumpkinPumpkin Recipes for Soup, Pie, Cookies, Cake, Vegan Recipes (13)
2 tablespoon oil
2 onions, chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 teaspoon cumin
1 teaspoon coriander
1 teaspoon tumeric
1/2 teaspoon coriander
1/2 teaspoon ground fenugreek
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup split red lentils
15 oz (425 g) can tomatoes
1 1/2 cups water
coriander leaves for garnish

Peel and cube pumpkin. Heat oil in large saucepan. Saute onion andgarlic.

Add spices and salt. Add pumpkin, lentils, tomatoes, andwater. Stir to combine.

Cook in microwave oven for approximately 35 minutes, until pumpkin istender, or bake in moderate oven 350 degree F. (180 degree C.) forabout 1 - 1 1/2 hours. Add more water if it becomes too dry. Garnishwith coriander leaves.

Microwave Pumpkin Recipe

1 lb. 2 oz (500g) cubed pumpkin
1/2 teaspoon curry
1/2 teaspoon green herb stock
black pepper
1 small onion, chopped
1 tablespoon butter
1/2 cup coconut milk or 2 tablespoons coconut soaked in 1/2 cup boilingwater

Put all ingredients into a bowl and cover. Cook on high for 10 minutes.

Pumpkin Soup Recipes

Pumpkin Recipes for Pumpkin and Dill Seed Soup

2 lb. (1 kg) diced, peeled pumpkinPumpkin Recipes for Soup, Pie, Cookies, Cake, Vegan Recipes (14)
2 tablespoons brown sugar
2 pints (1 liter) chicken stock
1 dessertspoon dill seeds
salt and pepper to taste
1 teaspoon cinnamon
2 tablespoons fresh cream or yogurt

Put the pumpkin, sugar and a pinch of salt in a pot, cover with alittle water, boil until the pumpkin is cooked.

Drain off excess water, and put the pumpkin through a sieve or in inthe blender to make a puree.

Return to the pot and slowly add the chicken stock, then the dillseeds, stirring all the time. Season to taste. Simmer for 5 minutes,stir in the cinnamon, and just before serving add the cream or yogurt.

Pumpin Recipes for Pumpkin Walnut Soup

This soup recipe can be made the day before serving.

1 tablespoon butterPumpkin Recipes for Soup, Pie, Cookies, Cake, Vegan Recipes (15)
1 medium onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
3/4 lb. (350g) pumpkin, chopped and peeled
1 1/2 cups water
1 large chicken stock cube, crumbled
2 teaspoons tomato paste
2 tablespoons chopped walnuts

Melt buter and fry onions and garlic, over a low heat until transparentand soft.

Add pumpkin, water, stock cube, paste and walnuts. Bring to a boil,reduce heat and simmer for about 30 minutes, until pumpkin is tender.

Blend until smooth. Reheat before serving. Garnish with walnuts.

Pumpkin Recipes for Pumpkin and Bacon Soup

1/2 pumpkin or butternutPumpkin Recipes for Soup, Pie, Cookies, Cake, Vegan Recipes (16)
2 onions, finely chopped
1/2 leek, finely chopped
2 medium sized potatoes, diced
3 1/2 pints (2 liters) water
1 teaspoon salt
2 cubes beef stock
1 teaspoon bacon stock
3-4 rashers bacon, finely chopped
1 teaspoon tarragon
2 tablespoons brown sugar

Peelpumpkin and cut into small pieces. In large pot boil all vegetables inwater with salt, stocks, bacon, tarragon, ginger and brown sugar. Boiluntil soft. Mash all vegetables until fine, add more water if needed.Serve with toast or croutons.

Pumpkin Recipes for Dogs

Pumpkin Recipes for Homemade Dog Food

1 cup brown rice, cooked
1 kg chopped pumpkin, cooked
1 kg lean & boneless cooked chicken, beef or lamb(boiled)
1/2 cup mixed vegetables, cooked
1 cup water
1/2 teaspoon yeast extract such as Marmite, Oxo, Vegemite etc.(optional)

Mash the cooked pumpkin and add to therice and cooked vegetables. Dice the meat and add to therice mixture. Add a teaspoon of meat extract if used. Only serve whatyourdog will eat. Store the rest in the fridge for the second day.

Pumpkin Recipes for Homemade Dog Food (2)

1 large whole baked potato with skin on
1/2 cup mixed vegetables, cooked
1/2 kg lean, cooked meat (anything except pork)
1/2 kg pumpkin (pumpkin bulks up the food without adding toyour dog's weight)

Another homemade dog food recipe youpet will love! Bake the potato and dice, leaving onthe skins. Add the cooked mixed vegetables and the diced meat. Makesure that there are no bones in your dinner. Cooked bones are morelikely to splinter and chicken bones are deadly to big dogs. All bonesshould be given raw.

Mash the pumpkin if used and add to themixture. Serve to your dog.

Pumpkin Recipes for Soup, Pie, Cookies, Cake, Vegan Recipes (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.