Proxy Access for RU Access (2024)

You, the student, control the entire process through your RU Access Portal and can add anyone with a valid email address as a proxy.

A proxy will only see the pieces of information they have been authorized to view. You select which information pages will be viewable when you set up the account, and you can grant and remove access through the RU Access Proxy Access Management page at any time. Examples of information a student may grant access to include final grades, mid-term grades, registration and class schedule. The university can’t adjust which information the proxy can see; only you, the student, can grant access to your information.

Proxies cannot see billing information and or pay bills unless you set up your proxies as authorized users within the bill payment system. This is a separate process from Roosevelt University Proxy Access.

Establishing a Proxy

You must log in to the RU Access Portal to create an account for the proxy.

Once you have set up the proxy account, login information and account setup directions will be sent to the proxy’s email address that you provided. The proxy must finish setting up their account and have a valid email address in order to access the site.

One email address can be assigned as a proxy for multiple students (such as siblings who each attend Roosevelt); Each student who grants proxy access to an email address has complete control over the information that the proxy can access, including start and stop dates.

If parents share an email address and you wish to grant proxy access to both using that address, you can do so. When completing the first-name field, you will enter both first names (example: Mary and David). In the relationship description field, enter “parents” or “mom and dad” so that it is clear to any administrator reviewing the permissions that this email address is for more than one person.

Proxy Passphrase

For added security, and to ensure the confidentiality of your information under FERPA regulations, when setting up the proxy access account you may create a passphrase for a proxy to use when speaking with a Roosevelt University representative about data contained in the student-information system. A RU staff member will only be able to discuss student information, in person or over the phone, if the proxy has provided this passphrase.

A passphrase is a unique code word or phrase that you may assign to each proxy you set up. Proxies need to use their passphrases when they call university departments for assistance regarding the information they have been authorized to view. University administrators will validate these passphrases and the proxy’s access before speaking with the proxy in an effort to protect your rights as a student. If the proxy has not been granted access, the information cannot be discussed.

Modifying and Monitoring Your Proxy Access

You can modify the proxy access by checking or unchecking any of the boxes in the Authorization tab. If you want to add access to a page, check the box. If you want to remove access to a page, uncheck the box. You can remove proxy access in multiple ways. First, the access can be removed by unchecking all of the boxes in the Authorization tab, which removes access to the pages. Alternatively, you can change the stop date on the Profile tab to the current date. If this option is used, the proxy will no longer see your name when they log in. Lastly, if the proxy has not viewed any information you will have a button to “Delete Proxy Relationship”. This button disappears once the proxy has a viewing history.

Note: There is no automatic notification sent to the proxy when a modification is made to remove, restrict or increase their access.

Students can see how often a proxy has viewed a given information page by accessing the Authorization log. To do so, log in to the RU Access portal, click on "RU Access Proxy Access," click on "RU Access Proxy Access Management" and then click on the proxy’s name to expand their profile. Next, click on the History tab. In this tab, a log table will list information about all actions performed for this proxy account. “Login” and “View” will be captured as actions that indicate when the proxy logged in or viewed a page. This log also captures which page the proxy viewed and the date and time of each action.

Proxy Access for RU Access (2024)


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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.