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Peripherals: –
Time to Platinum: 24+ hours
Difficulty: 4/10
Missable trophies: None
Trophies: 1, 6 , 9 , 11
Welcome to the trophy guide for Kitaria Fables
Stage 1 – Play through the game.
Before we start, at no point sell Vengeful Soul. You need 10 of these to trade for 1 magic sphere (Fire, Water, Wind, Earth) with Timmy in Paw Village. In total, you need 128 spheres to unlock all spells. You will get some spheres for defeating bosses and completing quests, but will still need to farm a lot of Vengeful Souls post-game.
No trophies are missable as after completing the main quest you will be able to continue with your save file. Play through the game completing all quests and side quests. Despite being called side quests you will need to complete them to progress the main quest at times.
After completing the main quest, defeat any of the bosses you skipped during the main quests and clean up any of the miscellaneous trophies for buying items. Finally, farm for vengeful souls to buy magic spheres and unlock all spells. The later areas like the snow and swamp biomes have higher drops of vengeful souls.
Tips and Tricks.
At certain points of the game you will need to upgrade your gear which requires a fair amount of money. The best way to make money is to farm wheat. The reason for this is it grows in only two days and has a cost of only 20 coins and is sold for 30. Plough your field, buy as many wheat seeds as you can, and plant and water them. Sleep and water the wheat again. After sleeping again, you will be able to harvest the wheat and sell it by putting it in the box by your farmhouse. Sleep again and you will get paid, reinvest that money back into wheat seeds and repeat the process. Keep going until you have a full field of wheat to harvest. This also cuts down on the time needed to plow the field as it stays plowed for a day. Keep harvesting wheat until you have enough money.
Upriver Field
Green Gooey – Mucus
West Paw Field
Green Gooey – Mucus
Carroo – Vine
King Gooey – Miracle Fruit
River Dungeon 1F
Fluffy – Bat Wing, Apple
River Dungeon 2F
Fluffy – Bat Wing, Apple
Shroomie – Portobello, Toadstool
River Dungeon 3F
Fluffy – Bat Wing, Apple
Shroomie – Portobello, Toadstool
River Dungeon 4F
Wicked Shroom – Big Mushroom
Byriver Field
Forest Bee – Bee Stinger, Honeycomb
Carroo – Vine
Green Gooey – Mucus
Fort Outer Wall
Forest Bee – Bee Stinger, Honeycomb
Green Gooey – Mucus
Rotten Onion – Clover
Fluffy – Bat Wing, Apple
Spook – Candy, Cotton Flower
Freddy o’Lantern – Moonstone, Silver Key
Downstream River
Rotten Onion – Clover, Vengeful Soul
Man-Eating Flower – Withered Flower, Vengeful Soul, Talisman
Chompy – Fairy Wings
River Bridge
Man-Eating Flower – Withered Flower, Vengeful Soul, Talisman
East Sand Dune
Arnewt – Talisman, Obsidian
Hyena Warrior – Fang, Hyena Token
West Sand Dune
Hyena Warrior – Fang, Hyena Token
Hyena Archer – Hyena Token, Meat, Fang
Treasure Goblin – Gold Ingot, Silver Ingot, Copper Ingot
King Cobra – Silver key, wind Sphere, Rainbow Scale
South Sand Dune
Arnewt – Talisman, Obsidian
Hyena Archer – Hyena Token, Meat, Fang
Canini Beach
Arnewt – Talisman, Obsidian
Sea Cove 1F
Shield Bug – Insect wing, Hard Shell
Fluffy – Bat Wing, Apple
Treasure Goblin – Gold Ingot, Silver Ingot, Copper Ingot
Greed – Coin Pouch
Forest Entrance
Green Gooey – Mucus
Carroo – Vine
East Forest Field
Treant Guardian – Sap, Amber
Forest Bee – Bee Stinger, Honeycomb
Forest Plantation
Orc Soldier – Orc Coin, Raw Meat, Ironstone
Orc Gunner – Orc Coin, Coal
Orc Warrior – Sunstone, Bronze Key
Forest Sactuary
Forest Golem – Coal, Clay
Venom Treant – Sap, Vengeful Soul
Mountain Tunnel Entrance
East Freshwater Swamp
Shield Bug – Hard Shell, Vengeful Soul
Katapila – Insect Wing, Withered Flower Vengeful Soul
West Freshwater Swamp
Shield Bug – Hard Shell, Vengeful Soul
Katapila – Insect Wing, Withered Flower Vengeful Soul
South Freshwater Swamp
Shield Bug – Hard Shell, Vengeful Soul
Katapila – Insect Wing, Withered Flower Vengeful Soul
Blue Moon Lake
Green Gooey – Mucus
Flower Pixie – Huge Leaf
Giant Turtle Soldier – Turtle Shell, Copper Key
Mountain Tunnel
Dark Gooey – Cotton Flower
Venom Treant – Sap
Fluffy – Bat Wing, Apple
Shield Bug – Hard Shell, Vengeful Soul
Dracuffy – Silver Key Evil Bat Wings
West Karst Hills
Blue Gooey – Mucus
Ice Golem – Clay, Vengeful Soul, Snowflake
East Karst Hills
Blue Gooey – Mucus
Stone Fiend – Snowflake, Vengeful Soul, Coal
Fluffy – Bat Wing, Apple
Snowmonster – Pearl, Wind Sphere, Gold Key
Icy Mountain
Ice Golem – Clay, Vengeful Soul, Snowflake
Stone Fiend – Snowflake, Vengeful Soul, Coal
Crystal Cave 1F
Fluffy – Bat Wing, Snowflake,
Dark Gooey -Coal
Crystal Guardian – Silver Key, Tiara
Is this the End?
Earn all the other trophies.
True Peace?
Complete all the main quests.
To unlock this trophy you must complete the following quests:
List of main quests
Save the kid
Dropped Belongings
A Package for Alby
The Mysterious book
A Spellbook
Learning Magic
Question the Sage
Find the Ancient Relic – Defeat the River Dungeon Boss
Broken Bridge 1, 2
Gathering Materials 1, 2, 3, 4
Report Broken Bridge
Path to the North
Blocked Tunnel
Our Last Chance 1, 2, 3, 4
Destroy the Boulder
The Path is Open
Visit Sage Alby
Journey to Icy Mountain
Investigate Once More
Find the second Ancient Relic
Surprise Surprise
An unexpected Encounter
Tracking the last Relic
Who is that?
What’s the Meaning of this?
Did we do it right?
Where is the Sage?
Search for an Answer
Another Secret Meeting
What is happening?
Preparing for the last
Last Encounter
Defeat the Forgotten Shrine 1F Boss
Defeat the Forgotten Shrine 2F Boss
Last Encounter?
This is it!
A Friend to All
Complete all the side quests.
To unlock this trophy you must complete the following sidequests:
List of Sidequests
Visit Riverio Fortress
Magical Magic given by Timmy in paw Village
Farming Trial given by Kiki in Paw Village
Useful Experiment given by Timmy in Paw Village
Package for Ms. Apple Given by Commander Hazel in Rivero Fortress
For My Dear Nice given by Ms Apple in Paw Village
Treat for kids given by Ms. Apple in Paw Village
Kiki’s Farming Trial 1 given by Kiki in Paw Village
Kiki’s Farming Trial 2 given by Kiki in Paw Village
Worried Grandfather given by Chief Oliver in Paw Village
Perfect Gift given by Erin in Paw Village
Eat or be eaten given by Ms. Apple in Paw Village
Snack Time given by Ms. Apple in Paw Village
The Faster The Better given by Kiki in Paw Village
Kids Problem given by Caramel in Paw Village
Vegetable Juice 1 given by Ms. Apple in Paw Village
Lost Hammer given by Shamrock in Paw Village
Message for Canini Residents given by Commander Hazel in Rivero Fortress
Injured Person given by Basil in Mountain Tunnel Entrance
Find Shelter at Mountain Field
New Report – Mountain Field given by Frosty in Mountain Field
Hunger Attack 1 Given by Frosty in Mountain Field
Hunger Attack 2 given by Selene in Rivero Fortress
Hunger Attack 3 given by Pickle in Rivero Fortress
Secret Mission given by Commander Hazel in Rivero Fortress
Making the potion 1,2 given by Kelly in Rivero Fortress
For The Sick given by Pickle in Rivero Fortress
The Cheeky Merchant given by Ms. Apple in Paw Village
Running an Errand given by Timmy in Paw Village
Suspicious Deal given by Pumpkin at Paw Village
Hunger Attack 4 given by Ms. Apple in Paw Village
Kiki’s request given by Kiki in Paw Village
Pineapple Tart Recipe given by Kelly in Rivero Fortress
Waiting for the tarts given by Pickle in Rivero Fortress
Kale Dish given by Kiki in Paw Village
Bring the honey given by Ms Apple in Paw Village
Can I? given by Pickle in Rivero Fortress
My Lunchbox given by Rivero Guard in Fort Outer Wall
My Apologies given by Soldier Robin in the Inn in Riverio Fortress
Rush Order given by Pickle in Riverio Fortress
Gathering Information given by Sunny in Canini Beach
Good Food given by Kelly in Riverio Fortress
Old Recipe given by Pickle in Riverio Fortress
Refreshing Drinks given by Pickle in Riverio Fortress
Investigate the Beach Area given by Sunny in Canini Beach
A dragon’s hideout? given by Basil in Mountain Field
A warm drink given by Frosty in Mountain Field
Substitute Ingredient given by Ms Apple in Paw Village
Another Warm Drink given by Rivero Guard in Mountain Field
I feel stuffy given by Caramel in Paw Village
Special Dessert given by Pickle in Rivero Fortress
Throat Problem given by Chief Oliver in paw Village
Moon Light Flower 1 given by Ms. Apple in Paw Village
Moon Light Flower 2 given by Timmy in Paw Village
Ordered Dishes given by Selene at the Inn in Rivero Fortress
Ms Selene’s Request 1, 2 given by Pickles in Rivero Fortress
Selene’s Sibling (Sunny) given by Pickles in Rivero Fortress
Selene’s Sibling (Frosty) given by Pickles in Rivero Fortress
Appetizing Food given by Capri in Canini Beach
It doesn’t work given by Pickle in Rivero Fortress (Trophy popped here)
Delivery Time given by Pickle in Rivero Fortress (Unlocks Meat Lovers)
Legendary Magic Wielder
Learn all magic skills.
Timmy in Paw Village sells Fire, Water, Wind, and Earth Spheres in exchange for 10 Vengeful Souls each. Vengeful Souls are dropped randomly by enemies. You will also get spheres for defeating some of the bosses, completing some quests, and opening some of the chests.
Fire Wall – 2 Fire Spheres
Flame Vortex – 3 Fire Spheres, 1 Wind Sphere
Searing Crown – Fire Wall 4 Fire Spheres 5 Talisman
Crimson Meteor – Flame Vortex, 7 Fire Spheres, 2 Sunstone, 1 Coin Pouch
Water (Ice)
Ice Diver – 1 Water Sphere
Frost Wave – 2 Water Spheres
Frost Nova – 3 Water Spheres 1 Wind Sphere
Frost Vortex – Frost Wave, 4 Water Spheres, 1 Turtle Shell
Blizzard – Frost Nova, 5 Water Spheres, 2 Earth Spheres, 1 Moonstone
Grasping Gale – 1 Wind Sphere
Tornado – 3 Wind Spheres, 5 Amber
Howling Wind – 4 Wind Spheres, 5 Talisman
Healing Wind – Howling Wind, 3 Wind Spheres, 2 Miracle Fruit
Eye of the Storm – Tornado, 5 Wind Spheres, 2 Water Spheres, Rainbow Scale
Earth Shield – 2 Earth Spheres, 10 Clay
Comet Strike – 2 Earth Spheres
Earth Blades – 3 Earth Spheres, 1 Fire Sphere
Seismic Impact – Comet Strike, 5 Earth Spheres, 5 Amber
Heaven’s Drive – Earth Blades, 7 Earth Spheres, 2 Sunstones, 1 Pearl
Defeat Crystal Guardian
Defeat Crystal Guardian.
During the quest Tracking the last Relic, you will have to go to a cave in Icy Mountain where you will find the Crystal Guardian.
Defeat Snowmonster
Defeat Snowmonster.
Snowmonster is found in East Karst Hills. Take out the surrounding enemies first, especially the stone fiend as they can freeze you. On its own the Snowmonster is not too hard, you just have to avoid its frost attacks.
A Shocking Truth
Defeat an old friend.
Story related. During the quest What’s the Meaning of this? you will be confronted by Commander Hazel, Defeat her, and unlock this trophy. Commander Hazel is pretty tough. Her most dangerous attack is her dash attack as it stuns you, and she normally follows this up with a spin attack which will easily kill you if your armor is weak. It is best to avoid her ranged attack by rolling to the side as you can still get hit even if not in the red attack zone.
Defeat Giant Turtle Soldier
Defeat Giant Turtle Soldier.
Found at Blue Moon Lake. It is best to use the Bow and Arrow and to keep your distance. He does not have many ranged attacks, so he can be easily defeated from a distance.
Tricky Deal
Unlock pumpkin seeds.
During the sidequest Suspicious Deal, the Pumpkin Merchant in Paw Village who appears after 19.00 on some days called The Pumpkin, will offer a trade of a pearl for pumpkin seeds. To get a pearl, you must defeat the Snowmonster found East Karst Hills. This will unlock the trophy Tricked by a Cheeky Merchant. Return to Ms. Apple the next day to give her the pumpkin and you will unlock the Tricky Deal trophy.
Tricked by a Cheeky Merchant
Exchange a pearl for a pumpkin.
Please refer to the Tricky Deal trophy for more details.
Master Marksman
Learn all bow skills.
In total there are 5 Sword skills. You will unlock 3 of them through progression of the story, the other two are found in chests.
4) In Paw Village to the right of where you buy seeds is a silver chest that requires a silver key to open.
5) A gold chest in Mountain Field. Head to the right of the map.
Master Swordsman
Learn all sword skills.
In total there are 5 Sword skills. You will unlock 3 of them through progression of the story, the other two are found in chests.
4) A silver chest that requires a silver key to open in the Inn of Rivero Fortress.
5) A gold chest in Canini Beach that requires a gold key to open.
Meat Lovers
Unlock shish kabob.
At the end of the game, you will be able to start the quest Appetizing Food, given by Capri in Canini Beach, which will start a chain of quests. The second quest is called It Doesn’t Work, given by Pickle in Rivero Fortress. The third and final quest is also given by Pickle in Rivero Fortress, called Delivery Time. For this quest, you have to go and deliver shish kabob to Capri in Canini Beach. Completing this quest will unlock the trophy.
Unlock all inventory spaces.
At night (after 19.00) the Pumpkin merchant will appear in Paw Village every few days. He will sell you two bag upgrades. The first upgrade costs 3,000 coins, and the second costs 10,000 coins.
Defeat Dracuffy
Defeat Dracuffy.
Dracuffy is found in the Mountain Tunnel Entrance, which will be accessible after you complete the main mission Destroy the Boulder. There are a lot of enemies surrounding Dracuffy, so it is advised to take out the enemies first before attacking Dracuffy. Dracuffy’s most annoying attack will be the energy balls. They seem to quite hard to avoid, but try to do so by rolling away.
Defeat Freddy o’Lantern
Defeat Freddy o’Lantern.
Freddy o’Lantern is found at the Fort Outer Wall at night.
The Journey Begins
Complete the first quest.
After a short prologue where you learn some of the controls, you will be given your first quest, Dropped Belongings. To complete this mission you have to head to Byriver Field and defeat three Orcs, collect a bag and bring it back to Paw Village and give it to Timmy. Can only be turned in during the day.
Can I Fly?
Craft a wing accessory.
In Rivero Fortress, head to Rufus, the bear blacksmith. The cheapest wing you can craft is Evil Wings, which costs 50 Bat Wings and 2,000 coins.
Defeat Orc Warrior
Defeat Orc Warrior.
The Orc Warrior is found in Forest Plantation, where you will need to go during the mission Gathering Materials 2. It is worth taking out the Orc Gunners and Orc Soldiers first. He has wide-range attacks, and it is advised to use spells just after he has attacked as the animations are quite long and leave you vulnerable.
Defeat King Gooey
Defeat King Gooey.
You can find King Gooey at the start of the game by traveling to West Paw Field. His only attack is a short and quick charge which is easily dodged. He does have quite a lot of health and will take some time to defeat early on.
Defeat Wicked Shroom
Defeat Wicked Shroom.
During the main quest Find the Ancient Relic, you will enter a dungeon in West Paw Field, work your way to the end of the dungeon and you will get a new quest Defeat the River Dungeon Boss which is the Wicked Shroom. He has two attacks both of which can be avoided by rolling to the side.
Extra Protection
Craft a piece of armor.
In Rivero Fortress, head to Rufus, the bear blacksmith. The cheapest armor you can craft is the Wooden Armor which costs 10 Wood, 20 Toadstool and 2,000 Coins
Mysterious Power
Find the ancient relics.
Story related. Will unlock when you pick up the final relic during the quest Tracking the last Relic.
A Long-lost Path
Open the tunnel.
Story related. After completing the missions Our Last Chance 1, 2, 3, and 4, you will awaken a Giant Golem in the mission Destroy the Boulder. When you defeat the Golem, you will unlock the path to the North.
Dutiful Soldier
Repair the broken bridge.
Awarded after completing the quest Broken Bridge 2, which includes completing the quests Gathering Materials 1, 2, 3, and 4
A New Duty
Learn the Fireball skill.
Story related. During the quest A Spellbook, you will be told to read the spellbook by Timmy back at your home. Head back to your home and you will learn the Fireball Skill.
Looking Good
Craft a piece of headgear.
In Rivero Fortress, head to Rufus, the bear blacksmith. The cheapest headgear you can craft is the Mushroom Hat, which costs 20 Toadstool and 2,000 Coins.