Be There for you - Jung Jaehyun x Shy Reader | College AU (2024)

A/N: I have returned with another fanfic thanks to this man above, right here :“ dammit Jaehyun, can you spare me?! This story is based on a dream that I literally had last night because of Jaehyun. It will be a college AU since the dream I had of him was like in college so, this is gonna be fun :”

Warnings: maybe some cursing, insecurity, anxiety (please do not read if this may trigger you, okay?) slight hint of gang activity, slice of life and lots of fluff (maybe a bit too cliche but I’m sorry, I’m just a sucker for this)

Word count: this is one heck of a fanfic, brace yourself :“

Summary: you were a fresh high school graduate and it was your first day at college. Thinking you can start a fresh new start, your anxiety got the best of you until you met with an infamous senior, Jung Jaehyun :D

Sentence prompt:

7)“Finish that sentence, see what happens.”

23)“You know, the last person who talked to me like that ended up at the bottom of the river.”

A/N: decided to link Magic Carpet Ride since I was listening to it whilst writing this story. So, it’s just to give you a feel :D

High school was over and so is another chapter of your life. But that also means that it’s time to open up a new chapter. A fresh one as you always hoped for. It’s college, people are transitioning to adulthood and little to no one you knew from high school would be attending the college you attended.

Taking a deep breath, you checked yourself in your full-length mirror, making sure that you look good for your first day. Trying to keep it simple and in accordance with your aesthetic, you put on a simple T-shirt with culottes and sneakers. Putting your hair in a half-up, half-down, drawing your eyebrows as neatly, applying some lip balm then grabbing your stuff, you bid your parents goodbye and headed to your college.

Arriving at the gate, you took another deep breath, telling yourself that ‘it’ll be different. you can do it!’ and started walking into the college, observing the atmosphere, how big the field is, familiarising yourself with this new path up until you made your way to your department building for the orientation.

After the orientation, which you luckily became friends with someone that was taking a lot of the same classes as you and even had the same interests as you. So far so good! You exchanged contact with the friend and walked around the building to get used to the place and know where your classes would be, where the library was and even the best study places.

Whilst the two of you were walking to the cafeteria, you saw some of the seniors playing football at the field; one of which caught your attention. He was definitely on the tall (model) side in height, wore a varsity jacket, hair was slightly long but it fit him and when he smiled, there were prominent dimples on both sides of his face. You didn’t realise that you were staring until your friend pointed out, even recognising the senior.

"Yo!! You do know that you’ve been staring for a good minute or two, right? But honestly, I don’t blame you. Almost everyone has eyes on those seniors, Johnny, Jaehyun and their gang of friends. They’re all filled with multi-talented visuals” your new friend pointed out

“Wha-what?! I wasn’t staring!! Umm, out of curiosity, what department are they in?” you shyly ask

“Ahahaha, dude, it’s fine. Almost all the girls, senior, junior and even freshman all stare at them. Just wait until it’s the campus’ annual game season or talent night, you’ll see their whole gang together. But, I heard that majority of them are in our department, in the Arts department. But mainly in theatre. That’s all I know so far. I do know that some are part of the student council, captain of the basketball team and so on. Like I said, they’re a group of multi-talented visuals” your friend explained as you catch another glimpse at the seniors as they were leaving the field

“Oh. Must be tough to be multi-talented and smart with those visuals. Anyways, I’m starving!! Hope the food is good!” you exclaimed, trying to change the subject

“I’d say it’s a blessing. But probably they’d have high standards in their future partner. I have so much respect for whoever their future partners are. But yea, let’s go have lunch” your friend mentioned

After that incident, you just couldn’t get your mind off of that senior. Whatsmore is when the two seniors you saw your first day along with one of their friends, Mark (?) was apparently in your creative writing class; which was a first-year unit. Apparently, they were taking it as an elective just to fill up the leftover spots since you heard that they’ve finished the majority of their compulsory units in the first 2 years.

To top it? It wasn’t just the writing class that they were in. Apparently, the two along with another one of their “gang”, called, Yuta? was taking a genders unit that you were also taking. And it just proofed your friend’s point that they were definitely a group of multi-talented visuals since sometimes after class you’d see some of their friends already waiting for them.

But honestly, you didn’t even really pay attention to them, because you were always with the group of friends you met at orientation that would help you concentrate during the lectures and quizzes that occur weekly. Sure, you may have a glance every now and then, especially when they were in the same tutorial with you and are very much engaging in the class while you were just there (true story, jk).

Days went weeks and you were reaching your mid-semester break. But alas, what’s a mid-sem break without an assignment due, am I right? (tbh, missing uni days). It was a major assignment for the gender unit that you took and both you and your friend decided to do it together at the library (which was still open even during the mid-sem break).

So, here you were, walking to your college in a somewhat presentable yet comfortable wear since you and your friend were planning to head out and have lunch together. Arriving at the college grounds, you walked past the field when you saw the same seniors you saw on your first day; only this time, there wasn’t a whole crowd watching them. It was just the two of them with another Mark, the person that also took creative writing and the only person in their group that you actually have ever had a conversation (we’ll save this for another time).

Just like your first day, you were just mesmerised by your senior, Jaehyun. You just dunno what is it that just draws your attention. Sure, maybe it was the looks; but, there was also like an aura that just pulls you in. Especially when he smiles and those dimples are on full display. As if you were connected, when he smiled, you smiled too. You didn’t even realise what the time was until your phone rang, snapping you back into reality and snapping your seniors’ attention.

Embarrassed that you were caught red-handed by them, you quickly answer your call and make a run for it; something that you have always done since a very young age whenever your anxiety of people just decided to pop by. Lucky enough, you managed to get past them before any of them confronted you.

When you finally met up with your friend, you were all sweaty and just anxious in general. Your friend questioned if you were alright or if you weren’t feeling good, considering your face was a bit red but you brushed it off, saying that it was just the heat that was messing with you a bit.

In the midst of your assignment, you decided to go out for fresh air since you couldn’t think of the right words to write for your assignment. You got up, asking your friend if she wanted anything from the vending machine which she said, just coffee and you took your phone and wallet then headed out of the library to get some inspiration.

Walking around the floor, you decided to head to the bathroom for a bit then to the vending machine and head back to the library. After your bathroom business, you went to the vending machine and got your friend a canned coffee while a canned lemon tea for yourself. But as you turned around, you accidentally bumped into a rather muscular body, sending you to the ground, along with the drinks you just bought.

“Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry!! Didn’t see you there. Are you ok? Are you hurt anywhere?” a deep voice asked, their figure was clearly towering you as you couldn’t even see the sunlight

“I, I’m fine. No need to worry. I wasn’t looking as well. S-sorry” you muttered, not wanting to meet the person’s gaze

“I should at least pay back for your drink since it rolled away. Wait, let me help you up” the person mentioned, extending a hand out; and it was then when you had hoped you never went out because when you trailed the hand to the person, you felt your soul just left your body as you met with the Jung Jaehyun himself

You were just in shock that your brain was malfunctioning and leaving his hand hanging for a good minute until he coughed, getting your attention back. In the end, you felt bad if you were to leave his hand hanging, you took it as he helped you back on your feet; now emphasizing the clear height difference between you.

You shyly thanked him and told him that he didn’t have to pay for the drink back and just when you were about to make your escape, Jaehyun decided to make a conversation with you; cue your bad habit of “feeling bad” and getting into the conversation.

“I hope that the people here have been alright. There were some staff that got changed in the years and some of the stricter lecturers have reassigned so you should be good. Can’t promise about the food but I can ensure you that the clubs are fun!” Jaehyun chuckled, scratching his head

“The lectures have been good so far. Some assignments are still a bit new and confusing since I didn’t really learn them in high school but it’s a good way to learn. I also like how the people here and the lessons are more open-minded and diverse. You don’t see that everywhere” you admitted

“First year is always the tough one. It’s cause you’re adapting to the new teaching style and assignments. Not everyone has the same high school learning experience. You’ll be fine. You look like you’re slowly understanding the lessons. But don’t hesitate to go for consultation if there’s anything you’re unsure of. Your lecturers are there to guide you not just people who give you scores” Jaehyun explained

“I, uh, thank you! Uh…I have to go, my friend is calling me. Thank you for the talk oppa” you mentioned, slightly bowing

“There’s no seniority here, you don’t have to bow. Also, just Jaehyun is fine” Jaehyun mentioned, flashing his smile at you

“Oh? It’s going to take me some time to get used to that. I’m (Y/N)” you stated, taking your hand out and Jaehyun took it, shaking it

“Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’ll see you in class then. Have a good sem break” Jaehyun mentioned, shaking your hand

And since then, the two of you did meet in class, greeted each other whenever you walked past each other. Not only that, sometimes Jaehyun and his friends would sit near you and your friends in the classes you shared; surprising your group of friends while Jaehyun’s friends were all chill.

Eventually, both your friend groups started hanging out together even more, sometimes during lunch or after class to do assignments together or even just to hang out together since some of their group had people closer to your age (*cough*Mork*cough*).

Even so, you still can’t help but have the feeling that something might go south or worse. No matter how much you tried to disregard the feeling, it would come back every now and then; especially after hanging out with Jaehyun and his friends. You can always feel some stares linger around even though you don’t actually see people staring right at you.

What’s worse is that when the feeling is slowly overtaking you, you have the tendency to just run away. And that’s what you did. You just backed away, slowly avoiding Jaehyun and his friends as best as you could; without making it seem like you’re avoiding them (if that’s possible). Unfortunately for you, Jaehyun and his friends realised this and are confused if they did anything wrong, especially Jaehyun.

He doesn’t know when. Maybe it was since the first day you came to campus, a stare that he could feel was different than the normal stares he would receive. Maybe it was during sem-break when your phone suddenly go off and he and his friends found you watching them, but instead of accepting and taking the chance to talk to him (like almost every other girl on campus), you ran away. Or maybe when you bumped into him after getting your drink at the vending machine. But Jaehyun felt that there was just something about you that pulled him in. That made him want to get to know you. That made him want to have this friendship, or even more.

And when Jung Jaehyun is determined for something, he will find a way. Which is how he ended up following you after the writing class that you shared. He tried his best to follow you without being caught which works until he saw you going to a cafe that was outskirts of your campus area.

The cafe was rather quiet. There were only a few people including the workers. The place was quite nice actually. Even though it wasn’t the first cafe you would see when walking along the streets, it is definitely worth the extra mile to find. The colours of the interior were calm and welcoming. The smell of different kinds of tea and coffee could be smelled even before entering.

Sighing, Jaehyun finally pushed the door open and ordered his typical go-to coffee, waiting for it whilst searching the area for you. At the same time as he finally spotted you, his drink was ready. Thanking the worker, he grabbed his drink and slowly made his way to you, who was busy on your laptop, a notebook and stationery scattered on the table whilst your earphones were in your ear.

Realising that you might be doing your final assignment, he was contemplating to talk to you or not. But he thought, even if he can’t get you to talk, he can always just stay and finish up his own assignment since he was already planning on finishing it.

Hearing a knock on the table, you took one of your earphones out and hear the voice that you’ve been clearly avoiding the past 2-3 weeks; Jung Jaehyun. Sighing, you finally looked up and met with his gaze, that soft gaze that you might have “accidentally” fallen for, weeks ago.

“Y-yes?” you stammered, still in shock

“Hi. I was just wondering if you’re here alone or if you were with anyone. I was just passing by and saw you coming here alone” Jaehyun bluntly mention

“I…yea. I like to come here whenever my mind starts to clog up. I dunno, the place just feels warm and welcoming. Plus, the food and drink are not bad at all” you admitted, mentally facepalming for telling him that

“Then, do you mind if I were to join you? I was about to finish my assignment as well and thought that maybe we could do it together. Like, exchange thoughts and all. If that doesn’t bother you, that is” Jaehyun asked as you slowly nodded

In an instant, Jaehyun flashes a smile and pulled out the seat that was right across you. Settling his bag right by his seat, he took his own laptop and notebook out to finish his own assignment. It was peaceful and rather nice to have someone do an assignment with you; even if the two of you barely talked. Well, that is, until you groaned about being stuck in your writing that you and Jaehyun finally talked.

“You good? Something wrong?” Jaehyun asked, a bit concern

“Huh? Oh, no, nothing. It’s just that I’m stuck. I got no idea. My brain decided to just betray me” you let out a sad laugh

“Writing?” Jaehyun asked as you nodded

“Do you mind if I have a look?” Jaehyun asked and you just allowed him to see your work

The next few minutes (hours), the both of you exchanged ideas for your writing assignment, mainly Jaehyun helping you since your grammar was still off every here and now. Once the clock stroke 5pm, you knew that it was probably best to head back home. But just then, you got a text from your parents saying that they’ll be out for an event which made you sigh.

“What’s wrong this time?” Jaehyun asked, packing his bag

“Hmm? Oh, nothing. You can just go on. Thank you for helping me today, oppa” you sincerely thanked Jaehyun

“It was nothing. And what did I tell you about the whole oppa thing. Just Jaehyun is fine. Also, where are you going? Meeting someone for dinner?” Jaehyun asked out of curiosity

“Me? No. I would never. I’m just going to go get some takeaway” you admitted, putting your own things away

“Takeaway? Are you staying at an apartment or something?” Jaehyun asked

“Nah. My parents went out for an event. So, it’s just me tonight” you replied, getting ready to leave

“If that’s the case. How about we have dinner? I know a place that makes amazing gimbap and tteokbokki. If you’re up for it. No pressure” Jaehyun shrugged

“I am craving for some tteokbokki” you admitted, making Jaehyun smiled

“Then what are we waiting for, let’s go” Jaehyun exclaimed, nudging you to follow him

True to Jaehyun’s words, the restaurant was only a 5-minute walk away from the cafe. And just like the cafe, the restaurant wasn’t really in the open road where you could immediately spot it; you’d have to make the effort to walk a bit to find it. But hey, that’s why they’re called hidden gems.

Upon entering the restaurant, you felt a similar aura to the cafe you were at. It wasn’t the best in terms of looks but something about it was just comforting and welcoming. Not only that, it seems that the staff of the restaurant knew Jaehyun as they were asking him where his friends were which he said that it was just him and you today; grabbing your attention and making you smile as you could see how close he was with the staffs of the restaurant.

Once both your order came, Jaehyun told you to dig in first and staying true to what he said, the food was a delight. And the bonus? It wasn’t that pricy for a broke college student like yourself (me, lol). Seeing you enjoy the food just brought a smile on Jaehyun’s face, making him wonder if you were just in a bad mood the past few weeks. Without realising, he actually brought the conversation up.

“Were the past few weeks tough for you?” Jaehyun suddenly asked, making you perked up from your food

“Hmm? A bit. Having weekly quizzes and then 2 different units due on the same week was not fun at all. How bout you?” you asked back

“Me? Same old. I guess I got to have a bit more free time compared to my first 2 years. Trust me when I say that the first year is normally the tough one. As time goes by, you’ll get used to it, know your learning style and the kind of assignments you’ll get. Other than that, I say I was good; except when I noticed you started to avoid me” Jaehyun bluntly admitted, making your breath hitched

“I, I didn’t know I was slowly avoiding you. Sorry. It’s, it’s just that something was clogging up my head. that’s all” you partially admitted, making Jaehyun sigh

“You sure? Or is there something you’re not admitting? I won’t judge, promise” Jaehyun reassured you

“I just have social anxiety. I’m not good with socialising and overthink things and I don’t want to ruin any of my friendships. I really thought that I could get over it once I graduated high school. Guess I still need to work on it” you shyly admitted, playing with your chopsticks

“It happens you know. And I don’t blame you. Yes, you probably should’ve face it but it’s easier said than done. I guess what I’m saying is that, you’re not in this alone and while that sort of contradict with your anxiety, I know lots of your friends are willing to be there for you and would have never thought that you’re burdening them by telling them about it. Heck, I think that it would be the exact opposite. That they would always have your back and reassure you that it’ll be ok. Sorry, I’m not good at comforting people but I guess what I’m trying to say is that I won’t judge you if you open up and would try my best to reassure you that there is nothing wrong with you” Jaehyun lectured, letting out a slight chuckle at his own words

“Th-thank you, Jaehyun. Really” you replied, a small smile finally formed on your face

“If I may ask. What kind of thoughts you have that would make you avoid me and my friends” Jaehyun asked, in a gentle, encouraging tone

“I, well, you see. You and your friends are ya know, popular. Well, what my friend said on our first day was that you guys are a group of multi-talented visuals and while that is true, I got to see some sides of you guys that I would probably never see by looking at you guys play on the field. And, I just don’t want to ruin that friendship because…” you uttered

“Because?” Jaehyun encouraged you to keep going

“Cause, maybe, somehow, somewhere along the line, even though it’s just a few weeks and there are probably many people out there have been trying as well and I, I, I just. What am I even saying” you groaned, looking down, not wanting to meet with his gaze

“Somehow, somewhere along the line, I fell for you” Jaehyun softly whispered; and you swore you felt your heart just stopped for a second

“Your brain can try to control what you say but the heart wants what it wants. And mine is telling me to go for it. If what you’re saying is what I think you’re saying, that is” Jaehyun mentioned, making you in more disbelief

“I know what you’re thinking. Me? The campus’ heartthrob, with you, a freshman? Honestly, I never even like those labellings. I don’t think you’re any less than me nor am I superior in any way or form. We’re all the same, we all are human and we all have feelings. If I like you, why lie to myself unless of course, you’re taken. I assure you that this ain’t some sort of bet you would read on the internet. I like you and I want to get to know you better. No bets, no hooking up, nothing like that” Jaehyun stated, his tone was very much serious; finally making you lift your head and meeting his soft gaze

“You. Like. Me?” you questioned, still in disbelief

“Hahaha. Yes. I. Jung. Jaehyun. Like. You. (Y/N)” Jaehyun stated, word after word as his hand made its way on top of yours

Ever since that night, you were slowly opening up more, starting with Jaehyun and your friends. Telling them about your social anxiety and as if everything Jaehyun has been telling you were all true, your friends comforted you, telling you that they were a bit worried to why you were slowly distancing yourself from Jaehyun and his gang and even your own friends.

Slowly but surely, everything was starting to look up. You’ve been more honest about your feelings, what you want and all. It wasn’t just your friend circle that saw the change, even your parents were happy to see you look brighter than normal, secretly thanking whoever made you like this.

How’s your relationship with Jaehyun going, you might ask? It was going very well. Because you’ve never been a relationship before, Jaehyun made sure to take everything slow. Starting from, sitting next to you in class, pointing out mistakes in your assignments, study dates that would lead to lunch/dinner dates (which over at your parents’ side, they were like, by all means, go ahead) and even the physical touches, Jaehyun kept them at the bare minimum. When you grew accustomed to it all, only then did Jaehyun slowly went up a bit, holding your hand every now and then, which honestly, made your heart warm up.

Even so, you still can’t help for those thoughts to come and slowly swallow you. Not when you could feel stares from some people on campus whenever you and Jaehyun were walking together (just the both of you). Despite so, Jaehyun would notice those little signs of your anxiety slowly perking and immediately take action. Telling you to take deep breaths and that he won’t let you go or leave you.

From the end of your first semester, the semester break and entering the 2nd semester, your relationship with Jaehyun only grew stronger that at this point, his friends already considered you and your friends part of their gang, like younger siblings. You were happy, and when you were happy, it made your friends, Jaehyun and his friends happy.

But of course, life just likes to test out whether you’ve finally toughened up or just seeing this relationship as an escape. In your 2nd semester, you only had one class with Jaehyun since he had to take some 3rd-year units that semester. Even so, Jaehyun would always wait for you and vice versa.

Today, it was both valentines day and Jaehyun’s birthday. You wanted to surprise him as he was done with his class. Waiting outside of his class, you were nervous but eager to see him; especially when you saw that majority of the students were starting to scatter out of the classroom. But as you went into the classroom, there were several conversations that made your anxiety return.

“Honestly, I have no idea what he sees in that freshman”

“He’s probably just playing around. Clearly, she’s not his type”

“It must be a bet between him and his friends, right? There’s no way the Jung Jaehyun would go out with that freshman” you heard multiple people questioning Jaehyun

“Hey sweetheart. What brings you here? You don’t have classes today or is there any substitute classes that you didn’t mention?” Jaehyun softly asked you, clearly ignoring all the other sounds

“No no. I, I just wanted to see you. Hi Johnny, Yuta” you mentioned, smiling at Jaehyun’s friends who also smiled back

“Is that so? Let’s go then. You must be hungry. It’s almost lunchtime. Let’s go guys” Jaehyun mentioned, interlacing his fingers with yours

But as you were all about to leave, some people decided to challenge the Jung Jaehyun; especially since they finally got a good look at this freshman who caught the campus’ heartthrob.

“You know, Jung Jaehyun, a lot of people have been wondering. Like, at first we all thought oh, probably just a senior helping the freshman. But as time goes by, that was clearly not the case. So, let’s clear things up, shall we? Why her? Out of all the possibilities on campus, she was the one that has you wrapped around her pinky?” one of the people still in the classroom provoked

“They, they’re right. Why would Jae–” you weren’t able to finish your thought when you heard Jaehyun’s friends barked back

“I suggest you be quiet” you heard Johnny growled

“Look who’s talking? You?! Y'all got no shame or anything? You all have been trying to plaster him and us for the past year and just when you see him being happy with someone, you just can’t keep your overpriced botox lip quiet, can you?” you heard Yuta challenging them

“Enough. You guys can stop. Let’s just leave while I still have somewhat of a good mood” Jaehyun demanded, gripping your hand a bit tightly, completely different from his normal self when he was with you

“But for reals Jae. What do you actually see in her? A little toy? Just a phase? Or even a hook–” the person couldn’t even finish their sentence as Jaehyun suddenly kicked one of the tables, creating a loud bang, scaring you even more

Finish that sentence, see what happens. I dare you” Jaehyun finally snapped, turning around as he gently put you behind him whilst both his friends stood beside him

“J-jae…” you stuttered, clearly the atmosphere was choking you

“Hey, hey, are you ok? Breathe, okay? I’m so sorry that you’re stuck in this. How bout you and Johnny go ahead first, hmm?” Jaehyun mentioned, turning around the second he heard you gasping, cupping your cheeks, caressing them to calm you down

“See what I mean? She can’t even take a bit of critique” the others were laughing as Jaehyun, Johnny and Yuta were worried about you

“Jae, it’s okay. I’ll be okay” you barely able to form the sentence, looking down

“Sure she will. How bout it Jaehyun. Proof that you actually like her” some of the others joked as Johnny and Yuta glared at them, shaking their head, knowing what Jaehyun was going to do to them

“Do you trust me?"Jaehyun asked you, his attention was all on you as your attention was on him as well

Gripping onto his shirt, you slowly nodded, telling him that you would always trust him. With that, Jaehyun finally had his genuine smile, caressing your cheek once more before leaning down, sealing your first kiss together. It wasn’t rushed, it didn’t feel like fireworks were exploding. Instead, it was slow and sure. It was like a claim that Jaehyun was trying to make. That he only had eyes and thought of you. That when he said he liked you, he accepted who you were, wanting to be the person you could always go to as he knew that you accepted him as the dorky, loving person he was; not the multi-talented visual heartthrob of the campus.

Pulling away, Jaehyun wiped the tears that were slowly streaming down your face. Softly telling you that he would never leave you nor let anything or anyone hurt you. That he liked you because you weren’t putting on a mask. Sure you had flaws, everyone does. But you were honest, you didn’t try to cover up what you first thought of him. Yet, you also didn’t cover up your mistakes. Instead, you strive to be better and never judge anyone.

"You’re okay. I know that. You’re strong even when you don’t realise it. And I’m here, to make sure you’re always okay. I’m not going anywhere. I promise you” Jaehyun proclaimed, pulling you into a warm embrace; even if there were millions of things he would like to do to those imbeciles

After that incident, it was made clear to everyone on campus that you were Jaehyun’s girl. That you weren’t someone people should mess with as it would only bring a side of Jaehyun that no one would ever want to see.

A/N: Save to say, yes, there will be tough times. But trust the process and don’t forget about the people that were sent to be there for you. There are people who care for you and know that you are not alone :)


After that incident, Jaehyun made a mental note to seek everyone who picked on you. But first things first, he, Johnny and Yuta helped comfort you. The four of you went to lunch and then just hang out at a cafe that offered board games, which was a chance to see a new side of Jaehyun and his friends.

Afterwards, you all went for dinner and finally celebrated Jaehyun’s birthday along with his other friends (Taeyong, Taeil, Doyoung, Jungwoo, Mark and Haechan) and your friends. By the end of the night, Jaehyun decided to bring you to one of his favourite spots near the campus, gifting you a promise ring, to seal his promise that he won’t ever leave you.

After bringing you back home and making sure that you were safe and sound, Jaehyun had a change in demeanour. As if he flipped a light switch. That bright, cheerful Jaehyun was now consumed by a not so happy, wanting revenge Jaehyun.

Arriving at his final destination of the night, Jaehyun input the code to the building and made his way downstairs, walking along the empty halls, only sounds of his shoes clicking could be heard; well, until he arrived at one of the rooms of the hall.

Twisting the door handle, he was met with his friends who were all waiting for him along with the very people he requested to be “captured”. Walking closer at the people he saw that afternoon, a smirk now formed on his face. Those annoying laughed he heard that afternoon was now changed with whimpers and pleads.

Be There for you - Jung Jaehyun x Shy Reader | College AU (2)

“Well, look what we have here. Weren’t you all laughing this afternoon? How the tables have turned hmm? Let me make one thing clear, don’t. mess. with. my. girl. Cause, you know, the last person who talked to me like that ended up at the bottom of the river. Now, let’s talk about respect, shall we? You can cry and scream all you want, or, beg for it” Jaehyun stated, no form of empathy could be seen or heard

Be There for you - Jung Jaehyun x Shy Reader | College AU (2024)


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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.